Integrasi Data

Semua yang perlu Anda ketahui tentang integrasi

Dalam ekosistem bisnis yang kompetitif saat ini, sangat penting untuk memiliki toko serba ada untuk menggabungkan semua operasi dari berbagai departemen, sehingga memberikan gambaran lengkap tentang interaksi yang terjadi di dalam organisasi.

Manajemen hubungan pelanggan (CRM) adalah salah satu alat yang sangat penting.

It is a platform that integrates all of your departments, from marketing to sales to customer support, and brings their notes, actions, and analytics together in one place. But, as the name suggests CRM has an inherently customer-oriented use case which makes it the perfect choice for taking customer acquisition decisions and managing the external stakeholders. To ensure that there is a seamless process pertaining to transactions of the internal stakeholders (employees), Compass has built a solution that is not only easy to administer but is also a gamified way to automate incentive payouts. It is compatible with integration with a plethora of CRM software such as, Leadsquared, etc.

Here is a complete guide about how Compass makes CRM integrations simpler and enhances the efficiency of your workforce.

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