Versnel de verkoop van financiële producten met geautomatiseerde commissies 

Automatiseer de verwerking van commissies en bied je verkoopteam on-demand inzichten in prestaties

Vertrouwd door toonaangevende bedrijven wereldwijd 

We zijn er om van commissies de grootste groeimotor voor uw bedrijf te maken


Je verkoopteams in staat stellen om financiële producten en diensten efficiënt te verkopen en maandelijkse doelstellingen op tijd te halen


Stimuleer de spirit van uw agenten om meer polissen te verkopen met transparante en aantrekkelijke stimuleringsplannen


Motiveer je adviseurs om moeiteloos nieuwe klanten te werven en een langdurige relatie met ze te onderhouden

How can Compass help?

We help financial companies drive faster business results with one of the critical growth levers - Commissions. Compass has solutions to make financial sales secure, exciting, and efficient, from assisting companies in devising geo-specific commission plans to automating calculations and disbursing payouts on time.

In een handomdraai ingewikkelde commissieplannen automatiseren

Bespaar tijd voor taken die er toe doen door je hele commissieproces te automatiseren, van lancering en berekening tot uitbetaling

Provisieproces veilig van begin tot eind stroomlijnen


Integreer je gegevens, hoe groot en complex ze ook zijn, en voer programma's uit voor KPI's die je wilt versnellen

Aangepaste plannen

Stem commissieplannen af op de eisen van de markt, functieverantwoordelijkheden en de aard van uw verkoopkanaal.

Automatisering van berekeningen

Bereik een nauwkeurige compensatie door complexe commissie- en spiff-berekeningen te automatiseren en laat geen ruimte voor fouten

Automatisering goedkeuring 

Zorgen voor tijdige uitbetaling van uitbetalingen door het goedkeuringsproces op meerdere niveaus tussen belanghebbenden te automatiseren

Verhoog de motivatie van verkopers door plannen te gamificeren

Stel je verkoopteam in staat om de rockstars van de financiële verkoop te worden met gamification om gezonde concurrentie te stimuleren en door volledig inzicht te geven in hun targets en commissies

Ontsteek de competitieve geest in uw verkoopteam

Superieure ervaring

Bied interne en externe verkoopteams de flexibiliteit om te schakelen tussen programma's en mobiele apps om onderweg de voortgang bij te houden

Betere betrokkenheid

Erken hun prestaties met leaderboards, mijlpaalbadges, beloningen en scorekaarten

Aanmoedigingen en meldingen

Regelmatig communiceren over doelen, verdiensten en prestaties via duwtjes en meldingen

Beloningen & stimulansen

Geef ze de opties om uitbetalingen in te wisselen in de vorm van cadeaubonnen, ervaringsvouchers en meer

Neem betere verkoopbeslissingen met realtime analyses

Met predictive analytics kun je verkopen voorspellen en strategische plannen opstellen voor verschillende verkoopkanalen en doelen sneller bereiken.

Realiseer bedrijfsdoelen sneller met voorspellende analyses

Veiligheid en privacy

Voldoen aan internationale regelgevings- en inkomstenstandaarden, financiële richtlijnen en beleid. 


Volg de prestaties van je verkoopteams en kanalen en incentivegerelateerde KPI's met uitgebreide analyses op één platform.

Rapporten in realtime

Snel programmarapporten verkrijgen en informatie stroomlijnen die nodig is voor audits, bedrijfsbeoordelingen en bijeenkomsten van leidinggevenden

Programma optimalisatie

Intelligentie uit eerdere programma's afleiden om regels en doelen voor nieuwe programma's te optimaliseren

Make financial products sales fun, recurring, and profitable with Compass


Verkorting van de verwerkingstijd van incentives


Besparingen in verkoopproductiviteit


Besparingen op stimuleringsbudgetten


Verkorting van de verwerkingstijd van incentives


Besparingen in verkoopproductiviteit


Besparingen op stimuleringsbudgetten

Dit is wat onze klanten te zeggen hebben

Modernize the sales incentive process in selling ​your financial products

Replace the error-prone spreadsheets and legacy systems for managing sales commissions and channel partner incentives in your banking and financial institution
Schedule a demo

Data governance for bank’s products

Ensuring the accuracy and consistency of the data used in determining incentive compensation is crucial. Establishing data validation and verification processes eliminates errors.
Centralize your sales data for financial products

Build custom plans for different departments, such as mortgage, wealth management, etc., or roles, such as relationship manager, loan officer, branch sales manager, etc, under a single dashboard.

No more manual data entry for bank managers

Multiple systems and data files may require your sales teams to enter their sales data manually, leading to inaccurate calculations. Compass automates real-time updates, removing manual data entry for sales teams.

Simplify complex crediting rules

Effective crediting rules are designed to align employee behavior with the bank's strategic objectives, encourage high performance, and ensure fairness and transparency in the commission process.
Unique KPIs for any number of financial products

Pay your employees like relationship managers on various success metrics, including new accounts generated, account fees, AUMs, credit cards sold, private banking services, etc.

Escalations handling for Branch managers

Centralize your sales-reps queries and disputes concerning incentives in a dedicated tab called escalations, providing complete transparency in incentive calculations for both sales managers and frontline sales reps.

Full transparency from RM to BM

Building incentive compensation plans for a banking or financial institution is more complex than it looks. The pay mix varies for each product line, hierarchy, and multiple parameters.
Plan clarity for sellers in rural and global bank

Enable comprehensive insight into incentive calculations for each assigned financial product by integrating a dedicated plan documents tab within a mobile app. Enable reps to calculate their incentives with the earnings calculator.

Custom rep alerts for every financial product

Your sales reps will have to handle more than 20+ financial products, and keeping track of them can be handled in a spreadsheet. Our mobile app streamlines the tracking with notifications and nudges, ensuring timely deal closures.

ICM software for all types of banks and financial institutions

Explore a comprehensive suite of features aimed at significantly reducing the time ​and cost spent in managing incentive compensation programs.
Mobile App

Enable your customer facing workforce from RM to sales leaders to have visibility into their earnings & performance in real-time.

Split Commissions

Facilitate split commissions,  seamlessly distributing payments among multiple contributors involved in complex sales transactions.


Motivate and retain top sales talent top sales performers by recognizing their wins in public with live leader boards, and scorecards

Referrals & Assists

Referrals are crucial in helping make a banking product a success. Track referrals brought in by licensed employees and reward them fairly.

Dispute Management

Centralize all the queries and disputes concerning commission calculations and payouts with the ability to approve or reject.

Clawback provisions

Initiate clawbacks, recovering commissions from advisors for unethical or unsuitable sales, ensuring accountability and financial integrity.

Enterprise-Grade features that handles scale and complexity

Compass has developed a comprehensive suite of features and functionalities aimed at significantly reducing the time and cost spent in managing incentive compensation programs.

Joins and Unions
Multi-user editing
Plan Documents
Audit log exports
Email notifications
Manager coaching views
Detailed audit logs
SOC compliance
CSV Export

Product Tour

Error-free payouts from bank officers to financial advisors

Experience the agility and simplicity of spreadsheets with power of automation at scale. The user-friendly dashboard allows you to build, launch, and optimize sales commission plans without technical expertise.

Explore the product

85+ Integration options

Centralize your sales data from any number of data sources under a single platform. Our talented tech team will help you integrate your data from any database like SAP, Oracle, MYSQL, etc in no time.

Connect the sales incentive data from SAP platforms.
Centralize your sales commissions and channel incentive data
MS dynamics 365
Integrate and track scheme performance in real-time
Link your sales commission data with the SQL tables.
Connect data with Compass’s SFTP through a seamless process.
Google Sheets
Stop doing manual data entry by connecting sheets with Compass.

Enterprise-Grade data security and privacy management

Data protection is of utmost importance to us, and we are committed to providing a safe, secure, and compliant loyalty ecosystem for enterprises with the highest standards of data security and privacy across storage, exchange, collection, and processing.