Otomatisasi komisi & platform kompensasi insentif untuk tim penjualan

Reimagine the way you calculate and pay commissions with Compass. Our low-code solution makes it easy for Commission Managers to set up, manage, and maintain incentive plans. With on-demand access to integrated pipeline and commission data, leaders can influence performance and achieve business goals faster. 
Paket dan Harga

Dipercaya oleh perusahaan-perusahaan terkemuka di seluruh dunia 

Why choose Compass?

Kami memberdayakan organisasi dari semua ukuran untuk mengelola program kompensasi insentif dan komisi mereka dengan sukses dari awal hingga akhir, tidak peduli seberapa sederhana atau kompleksnya.


Mengurangi upaya operasi dan audit


Penghematan anggaran insentif


Mengurangi waktu pemrosesan komisi


Peningkatan produktivitas penjualan


Mengurangi upaya operasi dan audit


Penghematan anggaran insentif


Mengurangi waktu pemrosesan komisi


Peningkatan produktivitas penjualan
* Didukung oleh metrik penggunaan produk dan survei pengguna

Pengalaman komisi tanpa gesekan yang memotivasi tim Anda untuk mencapai target lebih cepat 

Perangkat lunak manajemen komisi tingkat perusahaan untuk mengotomatiskan proses komisi penjualan Anda, mengkomunikasikan kompensasi secara real-time, memberikan wawasan yang dapat ditindaklanjuti, dan melakukan pembayaran yang akurat dan tepat waktu agar tim penjualan Anda tetap termotivasi setiap saat.
Perancang Rencana Komisi

Rancang paket khusus Anda dengan desainer tanpa kode kami

Rancang dengan mudah rencana komisi dengan kompleksitas apa pun yang memotivasi dan berskala. Perancang intuitif kami cocok untuk menetapkan kuota bulanan, bonus triwulanan, spiff, dan banyak lagi.
Otomatisasi Komisi

Mengotomatiskan penghitungan 

Mengotomatiskan penghitungan komisi penjualan, mencairkan pembayaran tepat waktu, dan menghindari segala jenis kesalahan pembayaran. Tidak ada pengkodean dan tidak ada spreadsheet yang harus ditangani. 
Pelaporan & Analisis

Dapatkan wawasan sesuai permintaan

Lihat data penawaran pada tingkat makro dan mikro dengan laporan canggih kami untuk membantu semua tim melacak metrik kinerja di mana saja. Sesuaikan data berdasarkan peran dan dapatkan bagan dan laporan tingkat lanjut, semuanya dalam satu dasbor.
Jejak Audit Mendalam

Patuh dan siap untuk diaudit

Mencapai kepatuhan terhadap standar pengakuan pendapatan dan pedoman akuntansi, secara sederhana dan efisien. Tetap patuh terhadap ASC 606, serta kebijakan dan peraturan lainnya. Melacak penghitungan, pembayaran, dan penyesuaian dengan log audit yang terperinci.
Integrasi Data

Integrasikan dengan alat bantu untuk mendapatkan gambaran lengkap

Connect your sales and pipeline data with commission plans to get real-time insights and updates. With Compass, you can leverage fresh data with real-time sync, upload KPIs and pipeline data and create logic with rules, variables, and conditions.

Banyak tim, satu platform

Mengatasi tantangan manajemen kompensasi penjualan terberat dan memberikan hasil yang penting bagi semua orang, mulai dari penjualan hingga keuangan.

Operasi penjualan/pendapatan

Merampingkan proses yang memakan waktu dan rawan kesalahan untuk meminimalkan kemacetan terkait pekerjaan manual yang dapat memengaruhi pencapaian tujuan.

Keuangan & akuntansi

Pastikan kredit dan kuota selaras dengan tujuan perusahaan dengan menggunakan wawasan berbasis data.

Teknologi informasi

Kelola struktur data yang kompleks dengan aman melalui integrasi tanpa batas untuk informasi daftar, wilayah, kuota, dan kredit.

Pemimpin penjualan

Mengotomatiskan manajemen perubahan organisasi penjualan sehari-hari dengan mendorong efisiensi di seluruh daftar, wilayah, kuota, dan kredit.
Operasi Penjualan/Pendapatan
Merampingkan proses yang memakan waktu dan rawan kesalahan untuk meminimalkan kemacetan terkait pekerjaan manual yang dapat memengaruhi pencapaian tujuan.
Pemimpin Penjualan
Mengotomatiskan manajemen perubahan organisasi penjualan sehari-hari dengan mendorong efisiensi di seluruh daftar, wilayah, kuota, dan kredit.
Keuangan & Akuntansi
Pastikan kredit dan kuota selaras dengan tujuan perusahaan dengan menggunakan wawasan berbasis data.
Teknologi Informasi
Kelola struktur data yang kompleks dengan aman melalui integrasi tanpa batas untuk informasi daftar, wilayah, kuota, dan kredit.

Inilah yang dikatakan pelanggan kami

Sales commission management software for modern sales teams

Replace counting sales commissions for reps with the sales commission management software built for scale and complexity and remove end of the month payout suspense.
sales commission management

Build and collaborate across your sales team

Pemimpin Penjualan

Align seller behaviour and business strategy by providing visibility into the sales commission process.

Sales Operations

Drive revenue and eliminate disputes with the sales team through transparent sales commission programs.

Sales Representatives

Enable reps to calculate their sales commissions in advance and allow them to view key performance metrics.

Relationship managers

Build customized & flexible sales commission structures tied to KPIs like upselling and cross-selling.

Empower your sales-reps to focus on closing high-revenue deals

Build programs quicker

No-code sales commission management software

Customize commission plans that fit any role in your sales team, including sales reps, managers, etc.

Experience the agility of spreadsheets with the power of templates and quickly go live with the plan.

Build flexible models and adjust them anytime to match the revenue goals and market conditions.

Give your finance team the ability to view, edit, and approve budgets allocated or flag disparities.

Ensure accurate calculations

Ensure accurate calculations and do payouts on auto-pilot

Build the calculation logic and automate computation, freeing your finance team from manual work.

Make adjustments and overrides to any commission plan on the go and keep track of them in the audit log.

Use earnings forecasts to reduce disputes and month-end suspense about payouts with the sales team.

Ensure the payout process complies with all financial and accounting guidelines globally and regionally.

competitive sales culture

Enhance transparency and foster a competitive sales culture

Motivate your sales team by showing projected payouts and engaging them with AI-powered nudges.

Enable two-way communication by centralizing the rep's concerns and the leadership team's solutions.

Gather feedback from your sales team constantly about the existing and newly launched programs.

Create chat groups to encourage conversations, share best practices and tips, and foster team bonding.

Design Programs

Build programs quicker with a fully no-code designer

Customize commission plans that fit any role in your sales team, including sales reps, managers, etc.

Experience the agility of spreadsheets with the power of pre-built templates and quickly go live with the plan.

Build flexible models and adjust them anytime to match the revenue goals and market conditions.

Give your finance team the ability to view, edit, and approve budgets allocated or flag disparities.

Calculate & Automate

Ensure accurate calculations and do payouts on auto-pilot

Build the calculation logic and automate computation, freeing your finance team from manual work.

Make adjustments and overrides to any commission plan on the go and keep track of them in the audit log.

Use earnings forecasts to reduce disputes and month-end suspense about payouts with the sales team.

Ensure the payout process complies with all financial and accounting guidelines globally and regionally.

Drive Revenue

Enhance transparency and foster a competitive sales culture

Motivate your sales team by showing projected payouts and engaging them with AI-powered nudges.

Enable two-way communication by centralizing the rep's concerns and the leadership team's solutions.

Gather feedback from your sales team constantly about the existing and newly launched programs.

Create chat groups to encourage conversations, share best practices and tips, and foster team bonding.

Product Tour

No more spreadsheets or manual calculations

Experience the agility and simplicity of spreadsheets with power of automation at scale. The user-friendly no code sales commission management software allows you to build, launch, and optimize commission plans without technical expertise.

Explore the product
No more spreadsheets or manual calculations

85+ Integration options

Centralize your sales data from any number of data sources under a single platform. Our talented tech team will help you integrate your data from any database like SAP, Oracle, MYSQL, etc in no time.

Link your sales commission data with the SQL tables.
Connect data with Compass’s SFTP through a seamless process.
Lembar Kerja Google
Stop doing manual data entry by connecting sheets with Compass.
Connect and sync HubSpot to view deals in real-time.
Tenaga Penjualan
Keep your incentives up-to-date by pulling your data from Salesforce
Import data from your SAP platform to Compass in real-time.
Zoho CRM
Connect and sync Zoho CRM and automate calculations.
Add to Zoho CRM
Bring in workflows, KPIs and custom fields from Close CRM.
MS Teams
Send alerts and notifications to sales-reps on high-revenue deals.
Do more with Compass

Enable a frictionless sales experience

Compass offers advanced tools to streamline sales operations and drive revenue

Enterprise-Grade data security and privacy management

Enterprise-Grade data security
and privacy management

Data protection is of utmost importance to us, and we are committed to providing a safe, secure, and compliant loyalty ecosystem for enterprises with the highest standards of data security and privacy across storage, exchange, collection, and processing.

Trusted by leading global enterprises

”67% reduction in payout escalations”

Compass allowed us to communicate with our employees much more efficiently by giving them visibility into commission earnings, answering queries, and resolving disputes under a single tab. Our sales team was able to focus on closing more deals rather than worrying about commission errors.

Director of sales operations, Pepsi

"No more overpayments"

Before Compass, we struggled with overpayments, which not only affected our profits but also complicated our financial processes. Since adopting Compass, our finance team has reported no more overpayments while doing payouts.

Director of Revenue Operations, Coco-Cola

”100% accuracy in payouts”

With over 10,000+ sales team members worldwide, Compass has given us the confidence to ensure accurate payouts in our commission programs. Compass has been instrumental in making our commission calculations seamless, transparent, and efficient.

Regional Sales Head, Mercedez