Get your custom quote today

Discover the simplicity and convenience of our pricing structure, tailored to suit your needs. Contact us for a custom quote.

Trusted by leading global enterprises

”90% average reduction in overpayments

Before Compass, we struggled with overpayments, which not only affected our profits but also complicated our financial processes. Since adopting Compass, we've experienced a phenomenal 90% average reduction in overpayments.

Director of Revenue Operations, Coco-Cola

”67% reduction in payout escalations”

Compass allowed us to communicate with our employees much more efficiently by giving them visibility into commission earnings, answering queries, and resolving disputes under a single tab. Our sales team was able to focus on closing more deals rather than worrying about commission errors.

Director of sales operations, Pepsi

”100% accuracy in payouts”

With over 10,000+ sales team members worldwide, Compass has given us the confidence to ensure accurate payouts in our commission programs. Compass has been instrumental in making our commission calculations seamless, transparent, and efficient.

Regional Sales Head, Mercedez

Unified incentive compensation management software built to withstand scale and complexity

One click integration with Salesforce, ZohoCRM and Google sheet
Out of the box integration with Hubspot, Close, Leadsqaured
Flexible Rest API integration
SFTP secure integration
Capability of ingesting and processing millions of data points in a day
HRMS integrations for User data integration
One Database pull integrationclick integration with Salesforce, ZohoCRM and Google sheet
Incentive plan designer
Define complex variables and setup variables library
Multi-country plan deployment
Multi-tier quota setting
Pre-built game templates
Plan survey
Automated workflows post calculation triggers
Easily manage exceptions, splits and roll-up calculation
Calculation automation
Build calculation logic
Automated calculation workflows
Built-in validator for error-free processing
Automated workflows post calculation triggers
Easily manage exceptions, splits and roll-up calculations
Design custom workflow on a visual canvas
Multi-level workflows for reviews and approvals
Multi-level workflows for reviews and approvals
Modelling & Forecasting
Create models of existing plans
Impact analysis of changes to plan metrics
What-if simulators to forecast earnings
Goals vs. payout modeling
Reporting and analytics
Fully configurable and detailed performance widget boards
Detailed platform performance metrics
Receive intelligent cues and insights to improve contest designs
Simulate budgeting to business outcome based on past data
Audit trails with computed values, redeemed values, and more
In-contest performance tips
Teams and individual performance reports
Customized reporting by hierarchical levels and functions
Communication & engagement
Real-time view of performance with live scorecards
Dynamic leaderboards and scoring
Opportunity tracker that highlights activities that can let user to earn more
Automated disputes management
Custom-view for User-levels
Activity feeds where users can read, comment or post content with images, videos, & attachments
Document repository to store important files for easy reference
Easy to create groups for different region, passion or other classifications
Configure posting rights, group formation and more
Personalized reminder nudges
Admin settings & support
Finely define user access rights
Configure redemption storefront with custom catalog
Offline Payments / Overriding - Payout exception handling
Onboarding Assistance
Mobile app (android and ios) for field sales and non-sales teams
Ready-made Launch to effectiveness collaterals


How does pricing work?

There are several factors to be considered before we can provide you with a customized quote. These include the info on the number of commissionable employees, the features you are looking for, the size of the data that needs to be processed, integrations and other factors. Once we have a clear understanding of your needs, our commission experts can share a customized quote.

Do you bill monthly/annually?

Our plans are available for monthly and annual billing. You can choose the one that fits your needs.

Do you offer discounts?

Our plans are available for monthly and annual billing. You can choose the one that fits your needs.

What is the implementation cost associated with Compass?

Our one-time implementation cost is tailored to each customer’s unique needs.

How secure is user data on Compass?

Securing your data is our top priority. We are committed to ensuring integrity, confidentiality, availability, privacy and security while meeting appropriate legal, statutory, and regulatory requirements. Your data is encrypted to and from Compass, whether you access it from your desktop or mobile devices. We store all data using cutting edge security technology and industry leading best practices including.CCPA

  • SOC 2 Type II and ISO 27001
  • CCPA/CPRA, GDPR and STAR Level 1 compliant
  • HTTPS/TLS (TLS 1.2 or higher) and AES-256 key encryption
  • Complate Auditibility

What is the average onboarding time?

In our experience, based on the complexity of commission plans, native integration needs and the time it takes to receive technical requirements from your organization it will take just a couple of weeks to go live.