Para operaciones de ingresos

Seguimiento sencillo del proceso de comisiones y previsión de ingresos

Aportar ingresos sostenidos mediante un enfoque holístico del proceso de comisiones de ventas y mejorar la moral de todo el equipo de ventas con una mayor transparencia y potentes capacidades de compromiso.
Planes y precios

Con la confianza de los equipos de operaciones de ingresos de todo el mundo

La rentabilidad de cambiar a Compass para automatizar las comisiones

Tanto si acaba de empezar a vender como si lleva tiempo haciéndolo, Compass se adapta a sus necesidades.


Reducción del esfuerzo operativo y de auditoría


Ahorro en los presupuestos de incentivos


Reducción del tiempo de tramitación de las comisiones


Aumento de la productividad comercial


Reducción del esfuerzo operativo y de auditoría


Ahorro en los presupuestos de incentivos


Reducción del tiempo de tramitación de las comisiones


Aumento de la productividad comercial
* Respaldado por métricas de uso del producto y encuestas a los usuarios.

Why Compass for Revenue Operations?

Compass helps you improve sales efficiency by streamlining the critical aspect of a sales process - commissions. With Compass, you can access critical sales commission data in real time to optimize current metrics and forecast revenue and maximize the performance of sales organization by removing roadblocks.
Datos de comisiones en tiempo real

Optimice las métricas de comisiones que influyen en los ingresos con información basada en datos.

Obtenga métricas y perspectivas relacionadas con las comisiones a un nivel granular y en tiempo real. Aplique filtros y cree informes personalizados según sus necesidades.
Proceso automatizado de comisiones

Permita que el equipo de ventas dé lo mejor de sí con modernos planes de comisiones

Señale y elimine los obstáculos en el proceso de comisiones y asegúrese de que el equipo de ventas da lo mejor de sí en todo momento. Aumente el compromiso con funciones de gamificación e impulse al equipo a llegar más rápido a la meta.

Compass AI for revenue ops

Revolutionize your revenue operations with CompassAI. Our cutting-edge AI-powered solution is your compass to navigate the complexities of revenue optimization. Unlock instant insights, streamline your workflows, and centralize critical data, all with CompassAI. Make data-driven decisions faster and chart a course for revenue success like never before.

Compass AI enables the creation of reports through straightforward spoken commands, thanks to its natural language capabilities. This streamlines the report generation process, making it accessible and efficient for users.

Detección de errores

Los algoritmos de CompassAI se han entrenado utilizando una gran cantidad de datos reales, lo que les permite identificar y marcar eficazmente anomalías y valores atípicos en los conjuntos de datos. Este enfoque basado en datos mejora su capacidad para detectar irregularidades y garantizar la precisión de los datos.

Resumen del informe

CompassAI utiliza la generación de lenguaje natural (NLG) para transformar datos estructurados no lingüísticos, como tablas y gráficos, en resúmenes descriptivos. Esta función mejora la comprensión y accesibilidad de los datos, lo que facilita la toma de decisiones.

Compass for Revenue Operations

¿Qué ganan los directores de RevOps?

  • Motive fácilmente al equipo de ventas para que contribuya a los ingresos ofreciendo un plan de comisiones automatizado y sin fricciones.
  • Recopile sin esfuerzo datos sobre comisiones y ventas para realizar análisis y previsiones con rapidez 
  • Integración con CRM, ERPs, contabilidad o cualquier herramienta para obtener información holística sobre las personas y el rendimiento de las ventas.
  • Optimizar el presupuesto corrigiendo errores de costes en los flujos de trabajo de las comisiones
Integración de datos

Integración con sus herramientas de trabajo cotidianas

Connect your ERP, CRM, HCM, Spreadsheets, or any tech stack with Compass through native integrations to centralize sales data and effortlessly optimize all
revenue-impacting metrics

Esto es lo que dicen nuestros clientes

Reduce 90% of the time spent on sales commission processing

Stop performing manual labor such as incentive calculations, formula writing, and compliance filing, and focus your time and energy on building a revenue growth strategy.

Unified solution to eliminate manual processes

Compass enables you to get your crucial time back spent on manual labor and allows you to focus on helping sales reps achieve 100% of their quotas.

Experience the agility and simplicity of spreadsheets

Simplify incentive plan creation by combining spreadsheets' usability and familiarity with the power of pre-built templates and automation at scale. No learning curve is required.

Build trust and reduce disputes with sales teams

Increase sales velocity by providing complete transparency into the potential earnings upon each deal and calculation logic. Allow reps to raise payout concerns and resolve them in the query portal.

Identify the effectiveness of your incentive plans

Analyse and measure how well your incentive compensation plans worked with your customer-facing team with real-time insights, plan comparison reports, and robust dashboards.

Bring alignment and transparency across GTM teams

Reduce payout queries with transparent incentive plans

Eliminate disputes and build trust with your sales team by allowing them to understand your incentive structure regardless of the complexity. Feel confident that your calculations are correct every time at any scale.

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Improve sales pipeline health with accurate forecasting

Automate the deal updates and remove manual data entry with Compass, which enables you to forecast revenue trends with accuracy, allowing sales leaders to make data-backed decisions.

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Automate your sales commission program end-to-end

Reduce 90% of your administrative and mundane tasks in managing your sales commission programs with pre-built formulae, automated calculations at scale, and accurate on-time payouts every month.

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Compensación de incentivos

Reduce payout queries with transparent incentive plans

Eliminate disputes and build trust with your sales team by allowing them to understand your incentive structure regardless of the complexity. Feel confident that your calculations are correct every time at any scale.

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Inteligencia de ingresos

Improve sales pipeline health with accurate forecasting

Automate the deal updates and remove manual data entry with Compass, which enables you to forecast revenue trends with accuracy, allowing sales leaders to make data-backed decisions.

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Comisiones de venta

Automate your sales commission program end-to-end

Reduce 90% of your administrative and mundane tasks in managing your sales commission programs with pre-built formulae, automated calculations at scale, and accurate on-time payouts every month.

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Product Tour

Ditch the error-prone spreadsheets for incentives

Centralize thousands of columns from your spreadsheets to a single dashboard and provide visibility across teams. The user-friendly dashboard allows you to build build error-free commission plans at scale and build trust among your reps with complete transparency into calculation logic.

Explore the product

85+ Integration options

Centralize your sales data from any number of data sources under a single platform. Our talented tech team will help you integrate your data from any database like SAP, Oracle, MYSQL, etc in no time.

Link your sales commission data with the SQL tables.
Connect data with Compass’s SFTP through a seamless process.
Hojas de cálculo de Google
Stop doing manual data entry by connecting sheets with Compass.
Connect and sync HubSpot to view deals in real-time.
Keep your incentives up-to-date by pulling your data from Salesforce
Import data from your SAP platform to Compass in real-time.
Zoho CRM
Connect and sync Zoho CRM and automate calculations.
Add to Zoho CRM
Bring in workflows, KPIs and custom fields from Close CRM.
MS Teams
Send alerts and notifications to sales-reps on high-revenue deals.

Enterprise-Grade data security and privacy management

Data protection is of utmost importance to us, and we are committed to providing a safe, secure, and compliant loyalty ecosystem for enterprises with the highest standards of data security and privacy across storage, exchange, collection, and processing.