Channel incentive management solution to up-scale channel partner productivity and motivation

Channel incentive management with Xoxoday Compass brings new opportunities for channel partners to achieve higher revenue and performance.  Empower and engage channel partners with gamified elements, helping in achieving complete transparency into their progress to goal. 

Dipercaya oleh perusahaan-perusahaan terkemuka di seluruh dunia

Channel incentive management to increase revenue for channel partners

Empower channel partners to become productive using gamified channel incentive management solutions from Xoxoday Compass. Design incentive plans for channel partners seamlessly and gain complete transparency.


Mengurangi upaya operasi dan audit


Penghematan anggaran insentif


Mengurangi waktu pemrosesan komisi


Peningkatan produktivitas penjualan


Mengurangi upaya operasi dan audit


Penghematan anggaran insentif


Mengurangi waktu pemrosesan komisi


Peningkatan produktivitas penjualan
* Didukung oleh metrik penggunaan produk dan survei pengguna

How does Xoxoday Compass help channel partners with its channel incentive management solution?

With an effective channel incentive management solution, Xoxoday Compass helps channel partners design gamified incentive plans. Let’s turn your complex incentive plans into a highly productive automation solution.
Manajemen Kompensasi

Ensuring timely and accurate disbursements every time. With Xoxoday Compass you can:

  • Say farеwеll to thе hasslе of working with complicatеd sprеadshееts. With Xoxoday Compass, you can automatе thе calculation of your salеs commissions and еnsurе that payouts arе madе on timе, еvеry timе. 
  • Channel partners can rеly on Xoxoday Compass channel incentive management solution to dеlivеr prеcisе and dеpеndablе results consistently. .
Incentive Plans Automation

Motivate your channel partners with inspiring notifications. With Xoxoday Compass channel incentive management solution, you’ll get motivating notifications for channel partners to scale goals. 

  • Helps in regularly updating targets for channel partners, helping complete goals.
  • Xoxoday Compass helps channel partners by providing complete transparency. 
Real-time notifications and nudges

Motivate your channel partners with inspiring notifications. With Xoxoday Compass channel incentive management solution, you’ll get motivating notifications for channel partners to scale goals. 

  • Helps in regularly updating targets for channel partners, helping complete goals.
  • Xoxoday Compass helps channel partners by providing complete transparency. 

Integrasi Data

Integrasikan dengan alat kerja sehari-hari Anda

Hubungkan ERP, CRM, HRMS, HCM, Spreadsheet, atau perangkat teknologi penjualan apa pun dengan Compass melalui integrasi asli untuk memusatkan dan mengelola semua data komisi Anda dengan mudah.
Mengimpor data dalam format apa pun
Mengatur sinkronisasi waktu nyata
Integrasi Asli
Akses SSO yang aman

Solusi kami melayani berbagai industri

Perjalanan & Rekreasi
Perdagangan elektronik
Perjalanan & Rekreasi
Perdagangan elektronik

Inilah yang dikatakan pelanggan kami

Tautan Cepat

Solusi perangkat lunak
Kartu hadiah
Daftar Istilah