Beheersoftware voor verzekeringsprovisies om lage verkoopproductiviteit te voorkomen

Insurance commission management software to supercharge your team's performance and transform them into unstoppable sales rockstars. Revolutionize the way you manage your insurance commission programs. The insurance industry is evolving, and success belongs to those who adapt. With Xoxoday Compass, you're not just buying insurance commission management software; you're investing in a brighter, more prosperous future for your insurance business.

Vertrouwd door toonaangevende bedrijven wereldwijd

Software voor het beheer van verzekeringsprovisies voor bedrijven waarmee je binnen een paar uur aan de slag kunt

Maak van uw grootste verkoopkosten een groeimotor voor uw bedrijf. Verander de manier waarop je verzekeringsagenten beheert, betaalt en beloont bij elke betaalcyclus met onze beloningssoftware voor verzekeringsagenten.


Minder operaties en controles


Besparingen op stimuleringsbudgetten


Kortere verwerkingstijd van commissies


Verhoging van de verkoopproductiviteit


Minder operaties en controles


Besparingen op stimuleringsbudgetten


Kortere verwerkingstijd van commissies


Verhoging van de verkoopproductiviteit
* Gesteund door statistieken over productgebruik en gebruikersonderzoeken

Why go for Xoxoday Compass Insurance commission management software

Discover the transformative power of state-of-the-art insurance commission management software that turbocharges your sales team, ensuring they meet and exceed their goals.
Seamless automation across commission management

Tired of manual calculations and tracking errors? Automate with precision.

  • Set and forget: Launch your commission programs with ease and let Compass handle commission calculation, performance management, and timely payouts.
  • End-to-end streamlining: Say goodbye to discrepancies and inefficiencies.
  • Integrated data for accurate KPI tracking: GWP, Policy Sales, Referrals – everything streamlined in one place.
  • Workflow wonders: Craft custom workflows with unique rules and conditions.
  • Error-free calculations: Automate the nitty-gritty of commission calculations.
  • Swift approvals: Multi-level approval processes are now smooth and on time.

Make selling an exciting game

When your agents are motivated, they bring their best to the table.

  • Gamified sales journey: Challenges and rewards make sales an adventurous journey, not just a job.
  • Healthy sales rivalries: Leaderboards, scorecards, and badges bring out the best in everyone.
  • Stay updated on the go: Automated reminders about targets and real-time notifications about rewards.
  • Rewards that resonate: Cash in or enjoy experiential rewards. The choice is theirs!

Power-packed analytics for the modern sales strategy

Making data-driven decisions is no longer optional—it's imperative.

  • Sales forecasting made simple: Let predictive analytics show you the way.
  • Performance at your fingertips: Customizable dashboards showcase agent performances and commission-related KPIs.
  • Real-time insights to drive ambition: Equip your agents with live data on their performance.
  • Learn and evolve: Use historical data to refine and improve future commission programs.


Integreer met uw dagelijkse werkinstrumenten

Verbind je ERP, CRM, HRMS, HCM, spreadsheets of andere verkooptechnologie met Compass via native integraties om al je commissiegegevens te centraliseren en moeiteloos te beheren.
Gegevens importeren in elk formaat
Realtimesynchronisatie instellen
Inheemse integraties
Veilige SSO-toegang

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